Monday, March 21, 2016

2016 Geo-Structures Presentations


The ASCE-SEI Sustainability Committee and the ASCE Geo-Institute Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering Committee had a very successful 2016 Geo-Structures Congress. We are happy to report that the two committees had representation at five sessions; they presented on various aspects of sustainable design. Since one of our main committee goals is to spread the word on sustainable design aspects that the practicing structural engineer can put to use, we’re posting the presentations here on our website. Have any questions on these presentations or on how to make your designs more sustainable, please comment below or contact Dave DeLong. Online copies of all of the following presentations are available here.

Track: The SEI Climate Action Initiative

‘Introduction/The Role of the Structural Engineer’ by Jim D’Aloisio

Raise awareness of the importance of climate change mitigation and adaptation by structural engineers, and share mitigation and adaptation ideas and strategies with the structural engineering community

’Mitigation of Emissions During Construction’ by Megan Stringer

My presentation discussed how engineers can quantify and reduce the embodied energy and emissions from buildings. 

‘Rationale for Concern’ byMark Webster

'Mitigation of Emissions During Building Operation'  by Dave DeLong

'The decisions that structural engineers make in detailing the building envelope can influence the building's R-value by a great degree. By detailing to increase this R-value, structural engineers can reduce the heating and cooling loads - and, as a result, the carbon impact - of the building over its service life

Track: Disaster Resilience – Indispensable for Sustainable Design

‘Introduction / Incorporating Life Cycle Assessment with Disaster Resilience’ by Tona Rodriguez-Nikl

An introduction to the session, putting forward the argument that disaster resilience must be considered as part of sustainable design. / A summary of recent efforts to integrate life cycle assessment with disaster risk methodologies. The goal of these studies is to quantify how different levels of disaster resistance affect environmental life cycle impacts.

‘Resilient Design Strategies for Structural Engineers

My presentation discussed resiliency, why it matters to structural engineers and how engineers can design resiliently. The presentation also reviewed current legislation, organizations, and rating systems that deal with resiliency. 

‘Learning to Survive: A global comparison of recovery from disasters’ by Erica Fischer and Sal Gimbert-Carter

Disasters have catastrophic impacts on countries economically, socially, culturally, and politically. This presentation compares how three different countries responded to three different disasters: 2004 Summatra Earthquake and Tsunami in Indonesia, 2005 Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, and 2010-2011 Christchurch Earthquake Sequence in New Zealand.


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